Deliverable 03 is final: Developing an Integrated Network Platform
The deliverable "Specification of Integrated Network Platform Architecture" has reached the final status. Based on the results of WP02, the concept of the network and service discovery platforms will be developed in the work package 3. The goal is to obtain a system requirement handbooks which specify the needed functionality, the possible protocol extensions needed as well as the development framework. Therefore, this deliverable about the specification of an Integrated Network Platform (INP) architecture is devided into the requirements of a heterogeneous network platform, technologies, and main protocols.
After that analysis, the mobile technologies stood in the foreground. Here there is a decription available how the mobile networks have been developed from 2G to 4G and how they can inter-work with each other. Also the application or service is integrated into this chapter regarding the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), which offers a graphical user interface independent from the mobile device and the service platform.
In chapter 4, the protocols of the new INP, especially Mobile IP, IPv6, and routing are interesting to evaluate. The deliverables ends with the different approaches regarding QoS, routing in ad-hoc networks, user profiles, and roaming.
This deliverable is responsible for the technical platform, which has to be
Also all possible applications and services should be reachable via this platform independent in which network the user is available. This means all application should have a special quality of service which can guaranteed the required quality which the customer wants. Additionally the end devices are very different and have to be supported. Fortunately that means the provider solutions should be deployed on other platforms besides 3G or 4G devices too. For this transparency the service providers need a Integrated Network Platform to offer all available access technologies together. The ensemble acting must be cover for all possibilities. User profiles have to transport from a WLAN to a 3G platform and the other way around. The possible approaches will this deliverable show.
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