3rd meeting of the SMONET members at 30th November 2001
Discussion points were:
The progress of the work of D01 is near at the final version. The open points are questionnaires, interview results, glossary, and references. Additionally, the references have to be checked regarding to the figures. The glossary can be used from D02. If there are all open points finished the deliverable has reached the final status. CGEY will finish the document at the end of next week.
The progress of the work of D02 is near at the final version too. D02 focused on the service categories, which has been defined from the UMTS-Forum. The open point are: evaluation of the market, which is mainly a evaluation of the service categories and summary has to be written. There are no comments for the content from the partners for the earlier version. Therefore, the D02 will be finished today. DECOIT will put the last version on the server.
The activities from the partners for WP03:
The work package 03 must start next week, because the vacation for all partners during the Christmas days will start in three weeks. D01 and D02 are available and can be used for the next work in WP03. DECOIT will contact BIBA and discuss the work of WP03 with all partners, which are involved. Every input from CGEY is also welcome. DECOIT will focus on the technology part of WP03 including the different mobile techniques, Mobile IP for IPv4/IPv6, quality of service (QoS), and IPv6.
The questions regarding the work of SMONET concerned the following:
The next meeting will take place on 14th December. EMORPHIA has problems to take part on Fridays, but will let the partners know if there is any problem with the next meeting. BIBA has to take part at the next meeting, because the WP03 has to be discussed!
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