5th meeting of the SMONET members at 11th January 2002
Discussion points were:
The workpackage 03 work is going on after the vacation break regarding Christmas and New Year parties. DECOIT started with the technology part of WP03 including the different mobile techniques, Mobile IP for IPv4/IPv6, quality of service (QoS), traffic engineering (TE), billing and accounting, security, and IPv6. The main focus is QoS, TE, and security in the first step. EMORPHIA is currently working on architectural design for ad-hoc platform discovery and connection as well as designing a service composition ontology for ad-hoc application integration. Therefore, the work is not in time exactly, but has not a critical delay.
The progress aof the work D03 and D04 has been discussed. The second version of D03 will prepared by DECOIT with help from BIBA. Version 2 will be available at the end of next week with the first new input. Afterwards, the project members will start the discussion and further work on D03 till the end of January. The Ddeadline should be in the mid of February. A draft version of D04 of the design document will be ready by next Monday. The implementation of the design and use case documentation is scheduled to be completed by 25/01/2002.
The activities of the partners includes mainly the work of DECOIT and EMORPHIA. EMORPHIA is working on the development of a use case to illustrate the concepts in practice and to show the evolutionary approach that agent deployment will enable, as opposed to the revolutionary approach that bespoke systems would require. Documentation will be in the form of design documents and use cases. DECOIT is working on technology overview for mobile networks. This includes protocol issues like IPv6 and Mobile IP. Furthermore, DECOIT is updating the Internet pages continuously.
The open points are the following:
The next meeting will be at 25th January in 2002 at 10:00 GMT in the morning.
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