6th meeting of the SMONET members at 25th January 2002
Discussion points were:
Common points of the 6th telephone conference of SMONET-NGNI were the concertation meeting of NGNI which will take place at 13th till 14th of February in Brussels. After the concertation meeting at 15th of February the reviews of the projects will take place to represent and defend the results of the SMONET-NGNI project among other things. DECOIT will go to Brussels, because this company is responsible as project manager for the representation of the project. The whole agenda is available on the NGNI web-sites and soon on the SMONET web-sites, too.
The workpackage 03 is split into D03 and D04 work. The deliverable 03 will be available in the version 2 on 30th of January. The partners are working on requirements regarding heterogeneous networks, including topics like traffic management, quality of service, security, IPv6, and the migration from IPv4 to IPv6. The discussing of new approaches regarding user profiling, QoS, and roaming is necessary in the next step. In deliverable 04 the partners are working at ad-hoq networks. This will be completed on 25th of January. Currently EMORPHIA is starting tests. The documents mostly ready for D04. The working on user cases outline is ready, too.
The open points of the work are currently:
The next meeting will be at 8th February in 2002 at 10:00 GMT in the morning.
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