7th meeting of the SMONET members at 8th February 2002
Discussion points were:
First of all the meetings in Brussels were discussed. The concertation meeting of NGNI will take place at 13th in Brussels. The purpose of the workshop is to permit an exchange of views regarding the latest R&D achievements within the IST Next Generation Networking Cluster as well as to provide a forum for discussion of specific issues like co-ordination of R&D activities, road-mapping future R&D, initiating new activities regarding infrastructure, technology and services.
The NGN Members Meeting will take place at 14th of February. Here stands in foreground the presentation of the NGN roadmaps developed so far by NGNI projects, which will lead to the convergence towards NGN roadmap. The results are compiled version of different outputs (IST projects, standards and forums activity, market trends etc.) and hence will provide an overview of the future trends.
The NGN review meeting are at 15th of February. The reviews of the projects will take place to represent and defend the results of the SMONET-NGNI project. The presentations from DECOIT for the first and second day are available on the showroom.
The progress of the work of D03 leads to a final version of the deliverable. The open points are fulfill and the following things are put into the document from the partners DECOIT and BIBA:
The progress of the work of D04 of the work are currently:
Open questions regarding the original structure and other technologies like ad-hoc networks occured and have to be discussed next week.
The work package 04 must start on Monday by Frank Kroon from CGEY. Therefore the work of WP03 has to be finished next week. Frank Kroon should define a first structure for the deliverable and send it to the other partners.
The open points are regarding the final version of D04 and the planing of some events/workshops for dissemination in WP5. Each publishing of articles or conference contributions are welcome from each partner. Maybe it is possible to create a discussion platform with mobile service provider?
The next meeting will be at 22th February in 2002 at 10:00 GMT+1 in the morning.
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