Proposal of new services has been successful evaluated
The proposal "Definition of new services in the area of mobile communication networks" has been successful evaluated by the NGNI group. Therefore the partners BIBA, CAP GEMINI Ernst & Young, DECOIT and EMORPHIA could start with their work.
The work will produce a set of deliverable containing the results of this work. The target audience will define the shape and content of the deliverables. The increasing availability of wireless and wirelined network technologies with different properties combined the rise of Internet compatible, multi-hop, ad-hoc networks will lead to the creation of a integrated network platforms. The demonstration of such a platform and the investigation of research issues related to efficiency, cost and a highest possible degree of transparency for the user comprise the first research area of SMONET.
The second research area concerns the study of issues of service discovery and provision over integrated network platform described previously. Existing service discovery standards were designed for use in intranet environments and are thus inappropriate for use in an integrated environment of global scale. Issues to be investigated include overcoming the heterogeneous nature of multi-service networks for the provision of transparent service discovery as well as mechanisms for automatically configuring elaborate request service packages.
Finally SMONET will investigate methods for the introduction of user profiling, personalisation data and positioning systems data in the investigated service discovery mechanisms. It is noted that compatibility with existing standards for service discovery is imperative to achieve industry acceptance. Main research issues to be investigated in this area are open simple and human readable languages based on powerful meta-data mechanisms that are platform-independent and machine readable to allow for easy machine-to-machine communication.
Therefore, the following relevance to benchmarks, roadmaps, and standards will be available:
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